Blog Article Visuals
JUISCI has a blog page on its website, offering articles on all sorts of topics related to medical news. The blog articles were one of the priorities: the idea was to illustrate in the most entertaining and attractive way the new articles written by copywriters working in this field. The purpose of these visuals was to, firstly, make users want to read the articles but also to make users understand the content of the article before they even opened it.
In collaboration with the creative director Mathias de Garidel, the process was to discover the article sent by copywritters, then brainstorm on ideas for visuals, start sketching and finally design the thumbnails and banners for the site to share with other team members and get their feedbacks.
In collaboration with the creative director Mathias de Garidel, the process was to discover the article sent by copywritters, then brainstorm on ideas for visuals, start sketching and finally design the thumbnails and banners for the site to share with other team members and get their feedbacks.
Here are some visuals that we had the opportunity to realize.
You can find every blog post on the JUISCI Blog page:
posts - Social media feed
JUISCI has of course created its pages on social networks, including Instagram and Twitter. Several times a week, we post to keep the JUISCI community active and engaged through regular posts and links to posts on the app. The social media are ran by our community manager Saioa, who writes the posts and directs our team about the content to create and the direction to take A bit like blog posts, we had to brainstorm before creating the visuals, always consistent with the text of the post. The zany and funny dimension was at the heart of the projects, in order to stay in the atmosphere of JUISCI.
Here is a little sample of all of our creations.
You can find the posts on JUISCI social media :

shots of the day - social media Feed & story
We developed, in collaboration with the social networks team, the Shots Of The Day at the beginning of the year. The idea is to popularize in a very short and quick format one of the posts of the application. This daily format is then posted on Instagram, in a story and in the feed, and in the Twitter feed. Here is the template for the weekly posts (1 color per week day)
Find the Shots on the Instagram Highlights:

events - heart month
Many events in the medical world took place from January to March 2022. Most notably Heart Month in February, dedicated to cardiovascular health. Here, the goal was to popularize attitudes and reflexes to adopt while making this information accessible and fun. The goal was to create an accurate post, both in terms of visual and textual content. The copywriters in collaboration with the team in charge of the networks were in charge of the text content, and my team, in charge of the design, was imagining the best possible visual.
Here are some examples of the publications for the Heart Month.
You can find the Heart Month posts in the Instagram and Twitter feeds.
You can find the Heart Month posts in the Instagram and Twitter feeds.

Like Shots Of The Day, the weekly quizzes were created to offer the community an extra dose of knowledge in a short, fun and attractive format. The audience can test themselves on the publications they have read earlier in the week on our social media.
Here are the five used templates of the Quizzes.
You can check the JUISCI Instagram and Twitter accounts to check the variety of quizzes we have produced so far.

Newsletter / WEBSITE
One of the parts of my work was also outside the scope of social networks. Indeed, I had the opportunity to work with the team on a new weekly newsletter template, as well as on the development of the new JUISCI website, in collaboration with the creative team, developpers, and head of project. For the latter, I took part in the creation of the homepage. You will find below the newsletter template : feel free to visit the JUISCI website directly to see the homepage !

Credits 🔥
During this internship, I had the chance to work with a great team on the projects mentioned above. Thanks for this experience :)
Lead Design - Graphic Designer / Mathias De Garidel
CEO / Robin Roumengas
Digital Project Manager / Hugues Thomas
Digital Marketing - Social Media Manager / Saioa Martinez Urricelqui
Developer - SEO / David Voge